VIANET DOS3 and IBM PC NETWORK EMULATION CAUTION: The Access Mode specification for the 3DH (OPEN) call is different for DOS 3 than for ViaNet. Use the IBM protocol for this call when using ViaNet DOS 3 call emulation or when running with DOS 3.0 or DOS 3.1. All nodes on a network must run with the same level of ViaNet software. When ViaNet is brought up at a node, the default is for DOS 3 call emulation to be disabled. This default may be changed using SERIALIZ.EXE version 1.20.02. DOS 3 call emulation may be enabled or disabled at any node without affecting network operations. NOTE: DOS 3 eumlation is automatically enabled when the host DOS is release 3.0 or greater. It is not possible to disable DOS 3 call emulation when the host DOS release is 3.0 or greater. ViaNet supports DOS 3 call emulation enable/disable by means of a switch for the NET command. The slash (/) in the following examples represents the DOS switch character. The DOS switch character is user selectable. To enable DOS 3 call emulation: NET /3 To disable DOS 3 call emulation: NET /2 NOTE: The NET /3 option may be specified with the optional parameter V (NET /3v). When the optional parameter V is used with the /3 option the DOS 'Get DOS version number' call (INT 21H function 30H) returns 3.1. When DOS 3 call emulation is enabled, the following Interrupt 21H function calls are supported by ViaNet as implemented for IBM PC- DOS. Use the IBM protocol for the following calls. Refer to the 3.1 DOS Reference Manual for details. INT 2FH FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 0000H Check if multiplex interrupt (INT 2F) interface installed Support only includes a value of zero (0) in AL. Any other value in AL results in error code 5 being returned RETURN: AL = 1 (installed) 0100H Get installed state of resident part of PRINT Support only includes a value of zero (0) in AL. Any other value in AL results in error code 5 being returned RETURN: AL = 1 (not installed and not permitted) B8H Net command installation Support includes the following function value allowed in AL: 00H - Check if Net program is installed RETURN: AL = FF (installed) BX = 48 (server, redirector) INT 21H FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 3DH Open file with sharing specified 44H I/O control for devices (IOCTL). Support includes the following function values allowed in AL: 08H - Is a particular block device changeable? 09H - Is a particular block device redirected? 0AH - Is a particular handle redirected? 0BH - Change sharing retry count. 59H Get extended error 5AH Create temporary file with unique name 5BH Create new file 5CH Lock/Unlock file access. Support includes the following function values allowed in AL: 00H - Lock byte range 01H - Unlock byte range 5E00H Get machine name Access 5E02H Set printer setup ViaNet returns success although the printer setup is not set. 5E03H Get printer setup Always returns success and indicates a zero length printer setup 5F02H Get redirection list entry 5F03H Redirect device 5F04H Cancel redirection 62H Get PSP address If any of the above DOS 3 calls other than INT 21H Function 3DH and INT 2FH Functions 0000H and 0100H are used when DOS 3 call emulation is not enabled, the call causes an error message and a return code (01H) indicating an invalid function number.